Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dark Temptation: Ultimate Fudge Brownies!

Brownies are not only kid's favorite now-a-days. I enjoy baking brownies most for it's nutty texture. Also, it takes very less time to prepare and the oven does rest of the work. Haha yeah sometime I do prefer brownie mix for quick baking. But this particular brownie mix from Ghirardelli is very different texture wise from other brownie mix which tend to deliver dry brownies. This ultimate fudge brownie mix from Ghirardelli helps me to bake moist brownies with a chocolate glazed top. When I first baked a batch of them for a group of friends in Indiana, they absolutely LOVED it and it became a party hit. From then, many friends asked me about it and tried it at home. Thank God, they all were happy with their baked brownies! The box comes with the direction about how to make the perfect brownies. 

It is to note that I have received few inquiries regarding Brownie mix not being available in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My readers, that is not absolutely not a problem as I used to make brownies from scratch in Dhaka using a certain recipe. I am enclosing the recipe as per your request. 

Dark Temptation: Chocolate Fudge Brownies


1. 1 cup butter

2. 1 cup all purpose flour

3. 2 cups sugar

4. 4 eggs

5. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

6. 1/2 teaspoon salt

7. 2 cups chopped nuts (I prefer walnut for my brownies) 

8. 4 squares chocolate (bar, unsweetened)

9. 1 cup chocolate chips (for topping)

10. 1/2 cup Heavy cream (for topping)


1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees. 

2. In a pan, melt butter and chocolate on a low flame, in a right consistency. 

3. Remove the heat, and mix the sugar onto the chocolate mix. Rest it aside. 

4. Now beat the eggs, one at a time with a mixer. Pour in the vanilla essence and beat well. 

5. Mix the flour and salt, and pour the mix into the chocolate mix with a soft hand. 

6. Include the walnuts and fold the batter gently. Pour in into the greased baking pan. 

7. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes. If you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean that means, brownies are baked. 


Once done, cool the brownies, and now you can pour a melted chocolate topping over it. Make a chocolate glaze by melting some chocolate chips, a bit of sugar and heavy cream (store bought or whole milk can be thicken) altogether in a microwave proof bowl by placing it over a pan of boiling water and then finish it off by pouring over the warm brownies. 

Serving Suggestion: 

Slice the brownies evenly in square shape and serve with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. 

Serves: 18-20 people. Stays well for the next two days outside of the fridge.

Enjoy the freshly baked brownies with just a cup of coffee, that's how I like it!


  1. This "Fudge brownie mix from Ghiradelli" isn't obviously available in Bangladesh, what can we use instead? Any suggestions? I love baking and trying brownies are my ultimate favourite. :D

  2. I have the same question that this brownie mix isn't available here, so what can we use...?

  3. Thank you for asking this. I was just thinking about writing an alternative to brownie mix here. When I was in Bangladesh, I used to follow the basic brownie recipe from All recipe and it was a hit.

    The link is:

    To go with it, you can make a chocolate glaze by melting some chocolate chips, a bit of sugar and heavy cream (store bought or thicken milk) altogether in a microwave proof bowl by placing it over a pan of boiling water and then finish it off by pouring over the warm brownies. Please let me know if you have any other queries.

    Happy Baking! :)

  4. Andalah Aftab and Nowrin Islam, I have updated the recipe on how to make the brownies from scratch. Hope it will be useful. Cheers!
