Friday, September 19, 2014

Breakfast Special: Sunny side Eggs topped with Hollandaise sauce & Pancakes!

Now this morning I thought lets play with our regular breakfast pattern. Weekdays are not meant to be special (:P) but as I had no class today, thought of making a breakfast platter for Mr. Him. I wanted to try making pancakes on muffin trays rather than the regular practice of making them on skillet. At the same time, it popped in my mind that I can bake the eggs in muffin tray too. The best thing about it is, there is almost no oil (just a drizzle at the bottom of the pan) and it's super yummy!
The recipe is given below. Hope you will enjoy trying these out during weekends! Happy baking, peeps!

Sunny side baked eggs topped with Hollandaise sauce & Buttermilk-Chocolate pancakes! 

For eggs:

1. Eggs- 2
2. Salt & pepper- taste wise 

For Hollandaise sauce:

1. Egg yolks-2
2. Lemon juice (freshly squeezed)- 1 tablespoon
3. Butter- 1/3 cup (unsalted)
4. Salt- to taste

For Pancakes:

1. Pancake mix- 1 cup
2. Egg-1
3. Milk- 1 cup 
4. Cocoa powder- 1-2 teaspoon (for chocolate pancakes) 
5. Butter- 1 tablespoon (melted, optional)

*There is no strict rule for pan cake mix : milk ratio, when you feel it's a right consistency batter ( not too runny or too think, it should work fine). 


1.Eggs: Preheat the oven at 350 F. Crack the eggs gently on a cup cake tray (don't forget to grease it) and sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper. 

2.Pancakes: Mix all the ingredients of pancake. Now separate half of the batter and cocoa powder. Pour 1/3 of the batter in the greased cupcake tray. Bake for 15 minutes. Check after 10 minutes to see if the pancakes are cooked or not. You can add a thin slice of butter on top for the last 5 minutes. Also, it depends on how you want the eggs to be baked (soft or hard). 

3.Hollandaise sauce: Whisk the eggs yolk and lemon juice with a firm hand until it doubles in volume. Next, put a bowl over a saucepan with slight boiling water (you can also use double boiler). Please remember the bowl should not touch saucepan. Also, if the water it too hot, eggs will be cooked. Now, add melted butter gradually and continue whisking (you may ask for a helping hand, haha). Keep whisking until it thickens . Add some salt and pepper. Taste, and gently keep it in a warm place (until use). If the sauce becomes too thick (for resting), add a drop or two of warm water to recover the consistency. 

Place the pancakes on a plate, drizzle some maple syrup or honey over it.  Add your choice of fruits. For the baked egg, cut a pancake in half, place the egg and top with a generous amount of hollandaise sauce and chopped parsley. And... we are DONE! :)

Now, the reason I told you to have these kind of breakfast specially in weekends because it's a bit time consuming and contains A LOT of eggs (:P)... Make sure you hit gym occasionally to stay healthy! 

Note: Don't have pancake mix at home? No problem! Hit this link to make of your own:

Have a lovely weekend with your loved ones, and if you are making something special for you loved one today, do share with me! It will be such a joy to share the happiness! Take care. 


  1. I'm making it right now for breakfast :)
    Just a question though: is it 350F or 350C? Thanks!

  2. Thanks far cam!

    @Moonmoon Kalam, it's 350 F. Cheers! :)
