Monday, October 17, 2016

Dark Chocolate Almond Puff Pastry: Absolute Chocolate-y!

Baking on weekends are bliss.. no rush.. so I love to experiment during this time. Always have a special thing for dark chocolate so anything with that is heaven alike to me! I tried the good old recipe of puff pastry having a gooey chocholate-y center inside. Its super easy and kids/not-so-kids everyone love it! You can have it with your morning or afternoon tea/coffee on a lazy day. Also, we can not really go wrong with chocolate, right? Let me know if you try this! Go baking!

Puff pastry- 1 sheet 
Dark chocolate (I used 48%)- 1 bar 
Almond/Nuts- optional 
Egg- 1 (for wash)

1. Preheat the oven at 425 degrees. 
2. Thaw the puff pastry (usually I just keep it on the kitchen bench for 15 minutes or so). 

3. Open the pastry and place the chocolate bar in the middle.

4. Now as of the picture, cut the pastry diagonally. 

5. Now trim the edges and fold the upper and lower portion. For sides, make it as a braid (picture) by folding the pastry diagonally, one side after the other.

6. Make sure its tight otherwise you will see burst of chocolate during the baking.
7. Now gently give egg wash and sprinkle nuts. 

8. Bake for 25 minutes or until crisp-brown. 

9. Serve immediately, it will not taste as good if it gets cold! The texture is crispy with a gooey chocolate-y center inside! Yum!


Friday, October 14, 2016

Peach Mousse Cheesecake (NO-BAKE)

I had my closest neighbor (more like my elder sister's) Birthday coming up in past week. I wanted to try this fresh peaches and cheesecake mousse for so long and thought it will be a great occasion. I'll say its a very handy recipe if you want to try no-bake recipes for your family, friends or colleagues at office. You can make it up to 2 nights before, and as they say, the longer a cheesecake waits, the tastier it gets! Enough of my blabbering, now let's get to the ingredients and how to make this simplest yet yummilicious dessert!


For the Crust: 
Oreo/Graham (chocolate preferably) cookies- 20-24 pieces
Butter- 1/4 cup (melted)

Cheesecake filling:
Cream cheese - 16 ounces (softened)
Plain Yogurt- 1/2 cup
Warm milk- 1/3 cup
Unflavored gelatin- 3 ounces

Jello topping: 
Peach jello- 3 ounces
Fresh peaches- 2 (varies)

Baking needs:
A spring form pan (9 inch)


1. Crush the biscuits (I usually take a zip lock bag and boom, keep hammering until they are fully crushed).

2. Mix the melted butter with the crushed oreos. Now gently press it on the spring foam pan.  You may grease the pan with little butter before putting the crust, it helps while you cut the cheesecake later.

3. In a bowl, take cream cheese and yogurt, mix it together. Now in the warm milk, pour the unflavored gelatin. Give it a stir and add this to your cream cheese mixture. Make sure there are no lumps.

4. Pour the cream cheese filling over the oreo crust. Now keep it in the fridge for good 15-20 minutes.

5. In the meantime, slice fresh peaches (you may use any other fruit or jello flavors, I like peaches for its subtle flavor). For the next part, we need to prepare the peach jello. For peach jello using in this kind of recipes we need to use 1/2 the amount of water than what's needed in a regular time jello prep. So take 1/2 cup of boiled hot water and pour the jello mix. Stir is well until the jello gets dissolved. Now add 1/2 cup of ice cold water. Keep the jello mixture in room temperature.

6. Let's bring out our chilled cheesecake for the final layer. Place the peaches as you like and as much as you like! Lastly, pour the jello gently over the peaches. I use back of a spoon while pouring the jello as it helps to pour it evenly.


7. It is the most difficult time as you can not dig it in right NOW. Please keep it in the fridge for 4 hours to overnight for best results.

When you are ready to serve, simply open the spring form pan and place the cheesecake on the serving plate. Don't worry, it should be well set to transfer by now.

Make sure you have a warm knife to cut through the glistening slices of the cheesecake! Hope you'll enjoy making it as much as I did! My friends said, the mousse tasted very refreshing after a gorgeous Birthday Party Dinner!

Saved a slice from the party, haha! 

What are you waiting for? Try it out soon and let me know how it went! 
Happy Cheeeeeeesecake Making! :)